

The New York Times

Banksy’s ‘Dismaland’ in England: It’s a Strange World, After All


Banksy’s ‘Dismaland’ in England: It’s a Strange World, After All

バンクシーやその他約60人のアーティストによるディズモランドの"Topple the Anvil" ブースにいる役者。
A performer at the “Topple the Anvil” booth at “Dismaland,” a theme park-style exhibition featuring works by Banksy and about 60 other artists at Weston-super-Mare in England. CreditToby Melville/Reuters

ウェストン・スーパー・メア、イギリス 雨が降りしきる日曜の午後、うなだれたビーチリゾートタウンに出来た"ディズモランド"(憂鬱な国)はバンクシーによって作られた陰気なアンチディズニーランドで、今週末にオープンしました。
WESTON-SUPER-MARE, England — Rain pelted down for much of Sunday afternoon on this drooping beachside resort town where “Dismaland,” the gloomy anti-Disneyland created by the artist Banksy, opened this weekend.

Sophie King, 27, who lives in southwest England, and Andrea Griffiths, 28, who lives outside of London, were among the roughly 2,000 visitors inside the mock theme park early Sunday afternoon. The pair, friends from college, had planned to camp this weekend in the area, but when they heard about Banksy’s exhibition — and saw the weather — they nixed their plans, rented a motel room and headed to the exhibition.

“They’re intentionally being so rude,” Ms. Griffiths said of “Dismaland” “staff members,” who greet visitors with an angry pat down. (A guard who patted this reporter down told me to avert my eyes as he did so; another asked me to turn around, then told me to turn around again. “I didn’t ask to see your butt,” she said.) “It is hilarious because I mean, we’re British, we’re so polite,” Ms. Griffiths said.

“They’re really good actors,” Ms. King added. “Or they’re just rude.”

“Dismaland,” a satirical take on a theme park, features grumpy guards, funereal theme park games and art by about 60 artists — including Banksy,Damien Hirst and Jenny Holzer. The exhibition had a “locals” day on Friday and opened to the public on Saturday; it runs through late September.

 この展示は大きくサプライズとして開催されたのですが、先週の頭に英国記者協会の一部がこの放置されたプール施設となったこの展示所を目撃し、何がここで起こっているのかと憶測が立ち始めていました。しかし開催者はなんとか木曜の朝まで展示の秘密を隠し通し、地元紙のThe Weston Worle & Somerset Mercuryが正式にツイッターで公表し、一面記事にして発刊しました。
The exhibition came largely as a surprise: Members of the British news media had spotted construction at the exhibition site — the abandoned grounds of a former family swimming pool — early last week, and had begun to speculate on what was taking place there. But organizers managed for the most part to keep the exhibition a secret until Thursday morning, when a local newspaper, The Weston, Worle & Somerset Mercury, formally announced it on Twitter and ran a front-page article.

A Banksy sculpture at “Dismaland” depicting a woman attacked by seagulls.CreditYui Mok/Press Association, via Associated Press

展示にはバンクシーの新旧の作品が含まれており、移民の人形が船一杯に乗ったイギリス海峡に見立てたプールに漂うラジコンや、大柄なスーツを着た猫がガツガツと食べている向かいで痩せ細った女性と子供が立ち尽くすという彼の壁に描く特徴的なシルエットスタイルの作品などがあります。園内唯一の子供のみを対象とした展示はトランポリンとスタンドがあり、スタンドでは小口のローンが売り出されており、利子は数千パーセントとなっています。この展示は疑いの余地なく政治的切り口がされており、日曜日にアーティストのシャディ・アルザクゾウクはメインの展示場にて「R.I.P. Gaza」(ガザよ安らかに)と殴り書きされたシーツを自身の作品に巻きつけたのです。
The exhibition includes new and old artwork by Banksy, including a pool with mobile boats full of figurine immigrants in what apparently is the English Channel, and a mural-style work in the his signature silhouette style, which shows a fat cat in a suit gorging himself while a gaunt woman with children stands across from him. One installation on the site — billed as only for children — features a trampoline and a stand offering small loans with interest rates of several thousand percent. The exhibition also has an undoubted political edge: On Sunday, the artist Shadi al-Zaqzouqwas in the main space, where he rolled a sheet over his artwork and scrawled “R.I.P. Gaza” in capital letters across it.

Naomi Woodspring, 66, an academic visiting from nearby Bristol, where she lives, contrasted Banksy’s show with an installation based on Thomas More’s “Utopia” that she recently attended in London, saying that she saw in Banksy’s exhibition “a visioning of real change.” She added, “It pushes us to envision a whole other way of being, and to begin to live that way of being.”

Trey Cruz, 40, who lives in Seattle and works in software development, had a more laid-back take on the exhibition. Mr. Cruz took himself on a monthlong tour of Europe to celebrate his birthday this month. He canceled his flight home when he heard about Banksy’s show; checked into a hotel on Saturday; and visited the show Saturday and Sunday. “I just like that I’ve met a ton of people,” he said. “Just kind of randomly ended up, like, walking around with some people for a little while, then went and met other people.”

A performer with balloons. CreditToby Melville/Reuters

Lines into “Dismaland” on Saturday and Sunday started several hours before the park’s 11 a.m. opening, but by early afternoon the line appeared to be only several hundred people long and to be moving quickly.

Shortly after the website for “Dismaland” went up on Thursday, the ticketing function abruptly crashed, prompting online speculation that the ticketing issues were part of Banksy’s doom-and-gloom concept. In an email, Clare Croome, a spokeswoman for Banksy, said there was “no truth” to the Internet rumors, and that the site had crashed after receiving 6 million hits per minute. (Tickets are still available at the entrance, and online ticketing is expected to resume this week.)

The exhibition was out of the ordinary for Banksy, who is mostly known for graffiti works that pop up in unexpected urban locales. His last major display was a series of political murals that he unveiled in Gaza in February. In 2009, he staged an exhibition featuring dozens of his own artworks at the Bristol City Museum. That show was also kept tightly under wraps before it opened, even from many staff members at the museum. In 2013, he had a major outdoor exhibition in New York.

A visitor at a “selfie hole.” 
Yui Mok/Press Association, via Associated Press

Details on how “Dismaland” came together and when it was conceived have been kept secret by Banksy and his team. In an email, Zaria Forman, a New York artist with work in the exhibition, said that Banksy had approached her around eight weeks ago about participating in the show, and that she was given a “general idea” of what the exhibition would include. She said she had been instructed not to answer certain questions about Banksy, and had “no comment” about whether she had met the artist in person. (Another Banksy spokeswoman, Jo Brooks, declined to answer whether the artist had visited the exhibition since it opened.) Banksy did not respond to email questions sent on Friday to his two spokeswomen.

In a wry and somewhat elliptical interview with The Guardian about the exhibition, Banksy called “Dismaland” “a theme park whose big theme is — theme parks should have bigger themes.” He also said, “I asked myself: What do people like most about going to look at art? The coffee. So I made an art show that has a cafe, a cocktail bar, a restaurant and another bar. And some art.”

Outside the exhibition, Alessia Acciari, 26, a visitor, said the weather fit the “Dismaland” mood. Ms. Acciari, a native of Rome who lives and works in Bristol, England, visited the exhibition with Ruben Martinez, 35, a Portuguese pizza chef in London. They came to “Dismaland” together, equipped with a selfie stick and a Go Pro camera.

They arrived later than they expected because no trains were running from the area where they camped on Saturday night. (Workers at First Great Western, the train company that operates in the region, announced a partial strike early Sunday.)

“I think they have been told to behave like this because of the occasion,” Ms. Acciari said jokingly of the train employees, adding, “Wherever there is Weston-super-Mare, there has to be some disappointment around.”


今週のイケテル発明品 1

The Week
Innovation of the week: A self-editing action camera


 新しい自己編集ビデオカメラはユーザーに「まず撮影、そして編集は一切なし」とThe Verge誌に語る。グラバはユーザーの莫大なビデオをアップロードする時間や、見直し、そして継ぎ合わせるなどを全て含んだウェアラブルなアクションカメラなのだ。
A new self-editing video camera lets users "shoot first, edit never," said Sean O'Kane at The Verge​. Graava is a wearable action camera that uses software to automatically edit footage, saving users the countless hours it takes to upload, review, and splice content together.

Graava's software wades through up to three hours of footage to find the most interesting recorded moments, based on movement, sound, location, and even the user's heart rate. Its software can also make edits "that match the beat of your favorite song" and instantly sync footage from other Graava cameras. The only problem? The camera isn't coming to market until early next year. Its makers might want to hurry; GPS-maker TomTom is currently developing a similar self-editing camera called Bandit. The Graava is available for preorder for $249, and will eventually retail for $399.



gatesnotes The blog of Bill Gates

Update: What Ever Happened to the Machine That Turns Feces Into Water?By Bill Gates | August 11, 2015


Update: What Ever Happened to the Machine That Turns Feces Into Water?

Earlier this year, I shared a video where I drank water made from feces. (My review: It was delicious.) Today the machine that produced the water, the Janicki Omni Processor—or JOP—is in Dakar, Senegal, as part of a pilot project that could ultimately save lives and reduce disease in poor countries. Here’s an update on where things stand:

 JOPが人の排泄物を飲み水や電気、そして灰にかえるということを思い出されたかもしれません。(これはオムニプロセッサーが人の排泄物を利用して価値ある物にするということはいくつか発展した箇所なのです。) 明確な理由があるため、飲み水に焦点を当てようとしています。しかしゴールは水の供給ではないのです。ゴールは貧困国の街の衛生状態を劇的に改善することなのです。
You may recall that the JOP takes human waste and turns it into drinking water, electricity, and ash. (It is actually one of several Omni Processors being developed that treat human waste and produce something of value.) It’s tempting to focus on the drinking water, for obvious reasons. But the goal is not to provide water. The goal is to dramatically improve sanitation for all the cities in poor countries.

 今日、少なくとも20億人の人々がきちんと流されないトイレや、とても不衛生な環境から起こった病気によって70万人もの子供が毎年命を落としています。残念なことに、裕福な国の解決策は貧困国には非常に高価な設備を必要とするため適さないのです。(どうこのシステムがダカーで運営され、JOPが適応してるかを見るために、このスライドショーを掲載します。) このオムニプロセッサーのデザインのアイディアの裏には、貧しい人たちが手ごろに公衆衛生を得られることにより問題を解決するという目的があるのです。
Today at least 2 billion people use latrines that aren’t properly drained, and diseases caused by poor sanitation kill some 700,000 children every year. Unfortunately, rich-world solutions aren’t feasible in poor countries—they require too much expensive infrastructure. (We put together this slideshow so you can see how the system works in Dakar today and how the JOP fits in.) The idea behind every Omni Processor design is to solve this problem by making sanitation affordable for the poor.

 技術的挑戦は私達のパートナーのJanicki bioenergy社の巧妙なデザインのおかげで、解決したと考えています。この機械の次のバージョンは排泄物に付け加えて、どんなゴミも燃やせ、維持が簡単など、テクノロジーはどんどんと良くなっていきます。ジャニキはセネガルで最初のJOPの販売の話し合いの最中であり、さらに彼らは購入の可能性のある裕福な国々とも話し合いをしています。
We think we have solved the big engineering challenges, thanks to ingenious design work by our partners Janicki Bioenergy. The technology just keeps getting better: The next version of the machine will burn most types of garbage in addition to human waste, and it will be easier to maintain. We also think we have a good business plan. Janicki is discussing the sale of the first JOP to a Senegalese company, and they’re talking to potential buyers in wealthier countries too.

But business plans and brilliant engineering are not enough. The machine has to be tested—and unlike a computer program, sanitation machines can’t be tested from a desk in Seattle. The real world introduces lots of variables. For example, you have to find the right personnel to run the machine. You have to work with local and national governments and gauge the public’s reaction.

So it is great that we are now on the learning curve with a unit in the field. So far, the results on all fronts have been promising. The JOP is working as predicted. The partners in Dakar, especially thenational sanitation utility, have been fantastic—you can see in the video how energetic and optimistic they are. At every step, we’re learning and will incorporate what we find in future designs and operating plans. For example, the team is still looking at ways to make the JOP cheaper and smaller.

Much of the technology involved in the JOP has been around for years. So why hasn’t anyone built one before now? Because the people who understood the technology weren’t getting sick or dying from contaminated water, and they didn’t know anyone who was. Nor was it clear how they could make a profit by working on the problem. It was a classic market failure.

Now we have a business plan, an impassioned team of engineers, great in-country partners, and a pilot project in motion. I think we have a real shot at solving the sanitation problem. This is a great example of what can happen when we get bright people focused on the world’s biggest problems.



I Fucking Love Science 

New Concorde Could Fly London To New York In One HourAugust 8, 2015 | by Caroline Reid



New Concorde Could Fly London To New York In One Hour

August 8, 2015 | by Caroline Reid

photo credit: Artist's impression of the new hypersonic aircraft. PatentYogi/Youtube.

The original Concorde, a flying masterpiece, could zip from London to New York in a breakneck 3 hours and 30 minutes. For many people, it was a dream to experience faster-than-sound travel, and the prospect of cutting the seven to eight hour journey to half the time was enough to make even the most robust traveler giddy with delight. Aircraft manufacturer Airbus has been taking inspiration from this flying dream, and they have now won a patent for the next stage in speedy travel. And this monster goes faster and higher than ever before seen in commercial air travel.

One hour. That's how long London to New York would take in the planned hypersonic plane, called the “Ultra-rapid air vehicle” but dubbed Concorde 2.0. This new passenger aircraft would fly at up to four and a half times the speed of sound, Mach 4.5, compared to up to Mach 2.5 for the original Concorde.

Concorde ran into a couple of problems when it came to sound pollution that Concorde 2.0. hopes to solve. Blasting through the atmosphere faster than the speed of sound is a noisy business – so noisy that flying Concorde over populated areas was extremely disruptive. Often therefore having to fly slower in these areas, it couldn't quite live up to its high-speed potential.

Concorde 2.0 will avoid these problems as it climbs high up into the atmosphere, dissipating its noise energy horizontal to Earth by rotating its tail fins. This way, the sound waves won't reach the ground. Where Concorde flew at around 18 kilometers (60,000 feet), Concorde 2.0. will eclipse that at around 30 kilometers (100,000 feet); nearly twice the altitude.

The original British Airways Concorde. Dean Morley/Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0).
Passengers of Concorde 2.0 would be in for a bit of a space-like adventure. The plane takes off vertically just like a Space Shuttle. After takeoff, a rocket motor would shoot the plane high into the sky where the ramjets would take over and accelerate the aircraft to hypersonic speeds (loosely defined as around Mach 5). Ramjets are more commonly found on missiles than commercial aircrafts.

To take off vertically, passengers would have to sit in hammock-like seats. And, instead of the 100-passenger Concorde, the Concorde 2.0 would only carry 20 passengers.

Unfortunately, you're not going to be able to book a seat on this vehicle anytime soon. The project is predicted to take 30 to 40 years before it becomes a commercially viable form of travel.

For further information on how Concorde 2.0 would work, check out the video below.



National Geographic 

See-Through Solar Could Turn Windows, Phones Into Power SourcesBy Marianne Lavelle, for National Geographic PUBLISHED AUGUST 05, 2015


See-Through Solar Could Turn Windows, Phones Into Power Sources

"It's a whole new way of thinking about solar energy," says startup CEO about using transparent solar cells on buildings and electronics.

Vladimir Bulovic (left) and Miles Barr (right), co-founders of Ubiquitous Energy, are making transparent solar cells that could eventually be placed on everyday objects such as phones and windows so these surfaces could produce energy. 

Anyone who has sweltered in a south-facing office during the summer knows the power of solar energy streaming through a window.

In fact, no reputable urban architect today would design such a workspace without treated windows to reduce the sun's glare and heat.

But what if the window coating could do better than keep out the sun? What if that thin film could capture the solar energy for lighting the office, running the computers, and best of all, firing up the air conditioning?

That's the idea behind "transparent" solar, a technology that startup companies hope to bring to market soon, after at least two decades of U.S. government-backed and university research.

With the help of organic chemistry, transparent solar pioneers have set out to tackle one of solar energy's greatest frustrations. Although the sun has by far the largest potential of any energy resource available to civilization, our ability to harness that power is limited. Photovoltaic panels mounted on rooftops are at best 20 percent efficient at turning sunlight to electricity.

 時を越えて、研究によってその 効率は高まりました。しかし、科学者たちの中には、更に太陽光発電の利点を活用するならば、ほぼ完全に透明な太陽光発電で覆われた建物を増やす必要性があると議論しています。
Research has boosted solar panel efficiency over time. But some scientists argue that to truly take advantage of the sun's power, we also need to expand the amount of real estate that can be outfitted with solar, by making cells that are nearly or entirely see-through.

"It's a whole new way of thinking about solar energy, because now you have a lot of potential surface area," says Miles Barr, chief executive and co-founder of Silicon Valley startup Ubiquitous Energy, a company spun off by researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Michigan State University. "You can let your imagination run wild. We see this eventually going virtually everywhere."

Invisible Spectrum Power

Transparent solar is based on a fact about light that is taught in elementary school: The sun transmits energy in the form of invisible ultraviolet and infrared light, as well as visible light. A solar cell that is engineered only to capture light from the invisible ends of the spectrum will allow all other light to pass through; in other words, it will appear transparent.

Organic chemistry is the secret to creating such material. Using just the simple building blocks of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and a few other elements found in all life on Earth, scientists since at least the early 1990s have been working on designing arrays of molecules that are able to transport electrons—in other words, to transmit electric current.

"The beauty of organic chemistry is there is a big variety of materials available," says Nikos Kopidakis, senior research scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado. "The sky's the limit. It can't be just anything, but we have a decent understanding of the requirements. You can design the material to look green to the eye, blue, any other color, or transparent."

Harvesting only the sun's invisible rays, however, means sacrificing efficiency. That's why Kopidakis says his team mainly focuses on creating opaque organic solar cells that also capture visible light, though they have worked on transparent solar with a small private company in Maryland called Solar Window Technologies that hopes to market the idea for buildings.

Ubiquitous Energy's team believes it has hit on an optimal formulation that builds on U.S. government-supported research published by the MIT scientists in 2011.

"There is generally a direct tradeoff between transparency and efficiency levels," says Barr. "With the approach we're taking, you can still get a significant amount of energy at high transparency levels."

Barr says that Ubiquitous is on track to achieve efficiency of more than 10 percent—less than silicon, but able to be installed more widely. "There are millions and millions of square meters of glass surfaces around us," says Barr.

Organic Advantage

Kopidakis notes that organic solar has another advantage over conventional silicon solar panels, which typically are manufactured by treating the silica in quartz sand in a high-temperature furnace. It requires far less energy to make organic solar coatings, and should cost far less once manufacturing is underway.

"You do not need an ultra-high-vacuum chamber, and you don't need to heat anything to 300 to 400 degrees," says Kopidakis. The solar material is deposited using a standard film coating process, all at ambient temperatures. Ubiquitous engineers are building organic photovoltaic structures 1,000 times thinner than a human hair.

 GMTリサーチの市場調査会社のシャイル・カーン上級副社長は、この工程にかかる費用の利点について今月始めにREddit "Ask Me Anything"で言及していました。しかし彼は、十分に確立され効率的な従来のパネルと市場で競った場合、透明の太陽光発電の会社が製造を増加するために十分な資金を得るのが厳しいのではないかと語ります。
Shayle Kann, senior vice president of GTM Research market research firm, noted the process cost advantage in a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" earlier this month. But he said may be hard for transparent solar companies to gain access to enough capital to ramp up manufacturing, when their product will be pitted against well-established, more efficient conventional panels.

Barr says Ubiquitous plans to prove its technology first on a small scale. The company's pilot production facility in Redwood City, California, is currently working with mobile device manufacturers to design prototype smartphones, watches, and other small electronics powered by Ubiquitous technology.

"We think providing battery-life extension and solving battery life problems will be a very good entry point for us," he said.

It's not yet certain when transparent solar-powered mobile devices will be available or what prices will be. But Barr says the Ubiquitous team doesn't expect the technology to change the cost of the mobile devices significantly. And don't look for a solar panel on your new sun-powered smartphone. If everything works out as the company hopes, the solar material will be an invisible coating under the glass over the device display.

"Ideally," Barr said, "it doesn't look like anything."

The story is part of a special series that explores energy issues. For more, visit The Great Energy Challenge.



World Science Festival



The ‘Blue Marble’ Shot Through History


In order to take the best group photo of all time, you’ll need technology that’s a little more advanced than a selfie stick. Fortunately, NASA has that covered. Since the 1960s, astronauts and satellites have been sending us beautiful portraits of our home planet.
Photographing Earth as a whole is a bit daunting. For one, you need to be far enough away to get a full view of the planet’s disc (so, for example, the low-earth orbit at the level of the International Space Station won’t do). You also have to be at the right position between the Earth and the sun to avoid shadows—a tenuous operation as you’re zooming away in a spacecraft or hurtling around the planet. Still, it can be done. And magnificently so.
The first “Blue Marble” shot isn’t quite as well remembered as the second one, but still rates a mention.

This first color photograph of the entire Earth was taken in November 1967, by the experimental NASA communications and weather satellite ATS-3. While the satellite isn’t a household name, it kept on trucking in its geosynchronous orbit for more than three decades before receiving its retirement papers in 2001.
Most likely ATS-3 remains circling the planet it photographed, another silent piece of space debris.

The Blue Marble Photo That Changed the World

But it was this 1972 photograph of Earth taken by the Apollo 17 astronauts that garnered the most notice and is forever enshrined as the best-loved “Blue Marble” photo. (Note: we’re showing the true original photograph, with the South Pole on top. For publishing, NASA reversed the image to conform to certain cultural norms.) What might be less well known is that the picture almost never was.
“They weren’t supposed to be taking pictures,” film director Al Reinert—who also co-wrote the screenplay for the film Apollo 13wrote in the Atlantic in 2011. “Photo sessions were scheduled events in a rigorous flight plan that detailed every step essential to success. The film itself was strictly rationed like everything else on those perilous flights; there were 23 magazines onboard for the 70mm Hasselblad cameras, twelve color and eleven black-and-white, all intended for serious documentation purposes. They weren’t supposed to be looking out the window, either.”
But someone did—there’s still controversy over which Apollo 17 crew member actually snapped the iconic shot, though NASA credits all three astronauts. The 1972 Blue Marble is all the more poignant for the fact that since Apollo 17, no human being has been far enough into space to capture a similar picture of Earth. And because this image was the first time people had the opportunity to see our planet in such a light, it was transformative. As Roger Launius put it in the Smithsonian’s Air Space blog:
“This image, and the other stunning photographs of the Earth taken from space, inspired a reconsideration of our place in the universe.  It became the rallying cry of environmental activists, politicians, and scientists during the annual Earth Day celebrations. They used it as an object lesson of the Earth as a small, vulnerable, lonely, and fragile body teeming with life in a dull, black, lifeless void. While self-regulating and ancient, humanity proved a threat to this place.”


The Blue Marbles from 2002 and 2012

As imaging software improved, NASA found ways to create new Blue Marbles from photographs taken closer to the planet. In 2002, the agency released the above photograph, the most detailed “Blue Marble” at the time—albeit a composite marble made from months of satellite observations, mostly from the MODIS instrument aboard the Terra satellite.

 2012年、NASAはSuomi NPP衛星から観測結果を縫い合わせるように作成した合成イメージを発表しました。
In 2012, NASA released another composite image, made by stitching together observations from the satellite Suomi NPP.

Also in 2012, NASA used Suomi’s observations of Earth’s night side to take a breathtaking companion photo to the Blue Marble, the “Black Marble.” The above photo was made from images taken over 22 days and 312 trips around Earth.

 今年、the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) 衛星は自らのカメラにふさわしくもEPIC(大作)と名付け(でも本当にEarth Polychromatic Imaging Cameraの略式です。)、地球にふりむいて最新の"青いビー玉"を撮影しました。そして、もっとそのイメージが届くでしょう。DSCOVERはラグランジュL1点*から太陽風を観測をしていますが、多様な我々の惑星の日常の写真を毎日撮り続けています。もうすぐ私達は感心な袋いっぱいの青いビー玉を受け取るでしょう。
This year, the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite aimed its camera, appropriately named EPIC (but really standing for Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera), back at Earth to capture the most recent true “Blue Marble” shot. And there’s more to come, too. DSCOVR is hanging out at the L1 Lagrangian Point to monitor the solar wind, but will continue to take daily images of Earth that will show daily variations of our planet. Soon, we’ll have a veritable bagful of Blue Marbles to admire.
Image: NASA



Obama to Unveil Tougher Climate Plan With His Legacy in Mind

ちなみに、さすがThe New York Timesの記者だけあって、最後のオチがなかなかウィットに富んでいますね。

Obama to Unveil Tougher Climate Plan With His Legacy in Mind

(Photo: The New York Times)
If rules survive legal challenges, they could help shut down coal-fired plants like the Ghent Generating Station
in Kentucky. Credit Luke Sharrett for The New York Times

WASHINGTON — In the strongest action ever taken in the United States to combat climate change, President Obama will unveil on Monday a set of environmental regulations devised to sharply cut planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions from the nation’s power plants and ultimately transform America’s electricity industry.

The rules are the final, tougher versions of proposed regulations that theEnvironmental Protection Agency announced in 2012 and 2014. If they withstand the expected legal challenges, the regulations will set in motion sweeping policy changes that could shut down hundreds of coal-fired power plants, freeze construction of new coal plants and create a boom in the production of wind and solar power and other renewable energy sources.

As the president came to see the fight against climate change as central to his legacy, as important as the Affordable Care Act, he moved to strengthen the energy proposals, advisers said. The health law became the dominant political issue of the 2010 congressional elections and faced dozens of legislative assaults before surviving two Supreme Court challenges largely intact.

“Climate change is not a problem for another generation, not anymore,” Mr. Obama said in a video posted on Facebook at midnight Saturday. He called the new rules “the biggest, most important step we’ve ever taken to combat climate change.”

The most aggressive of the regulations requires the nation’s existing power plants to cut emissions 32 percent from 2005 levels by 2030, an increase from the 30 percent target proposed in the draft regulation.

That new rule also demands that power plants use more renewable sources of energy like wind and solar power. While the proposed rule would have allowed states to lower emissions by transitioning from plants fired by coal to plants fired by natural gas, which produces about half the carbon pollution of coal, the final rule is intended to push electric utilities to invest more quickly in renewable sources, raising to 28 percent from 22 percent the share of generating capacity that would come from such sources.

In its final version, the rule retains the same basic structure as the draft proposal: It assigns each state a target for reducing its carbon pollution from power plants, but allows states to create their own custom plans for doing so. States have to submit an initial version of their plans by 2016 and final versions by 2018.

But over all, the final rule is even stronger than earlier drafts and can be seen as an effort by Mr. Obama to stake out an uncompromising position on the issue during his final months in office.

The anticipated final climate change regulations have already set off what is expected to be broad legal, legislative and political backlash as dozens of states, major corporations and industry groups prepare to file lawsuits challenging them.
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican majority leader, has started an unusual pre-emptive campaign against the rules, asking governors to refuse to comply. Attorneys general from more than a dozen states are preparing legal challenges against the plan. Experts estimate that as many as 25 states will join in a suit against the rules and that the disputes will end up before the Supreme Court.

Leading the legal charge are states like Wyoming and West Virginia with economies that depend heavily on coal mining or cheap coal-fired electricity. Emissions from coal-fired power plants are the nation’s single largest source of carbon pollution, and lawmakers who oppose the rules have denounced them as a “war on coal.”

“Once the E.P.A. finalizes this regulation, West Virginia will go to court, and we will challenge it,” Patrick Morrisey, the attorney general of West Virginia, said in an interview with a radio station in the state on Friday. “We think this regulation is terrible for the consumers of the state of West Virginia. It’s going to lead to reduced jobs, higher electricity rates, and really will put stress on the reliability of the power grid. The worst part of this proposal is that it’s flatly illegal under the Clean Air Act and the Constitution, and we intend to challenge it vigorously.”

Although Obama administration officials have repeatedly said states will have flexibility to design their own plans, the final rules are explicitly meant to encourage the use of interstate cap-and-trade systems, in which states place a cap on carbon pollution and then create a market for buying permits or credits to pollute. The idea is that forcing companies to pay to pollute will drive them to cleaner sources of energy.

Mr. Obama tried but failed to push through a cap-and-trade bill in his first term, and since then, the term has become politically toxic: Republicans have attacked the idea as “cap and tax.”

But if the climate change regulations withstand legal challenges, many states could still end up putting cap-and-trade systems into effect. Officials familiar with the final rules said that in many cases, the easiest and cheapest way for states to comply would be by adopting cap-and-trade systems.

The rules take into account the fact that some states may refuse to submit plans, and on Monday, the administration will also unveil a template for a plan to be imposed on such states. That plan will include the option of allowing a state to join an interstate cap-and-trade system.

The rules will also offer financial benefits for states that choose to take part in cap-and-trade systems. The final rules will extend until 2022 the timeline for states and electric utilities to comply, two years later thanoriginally proposed. But states that begin to take actions to cut carbon pollution as early as 2020 will be rewarded with carbon reduction credits — essentially, pollution permits that can be sold for cash in a cap-and-trade market.

Climate scientists warn that rising greenhouse gas emissions are rapidly moving the planet toward a global atmospheric temperature increase of 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, the point past which the world will be locked into a future of rising sea levels, more devastating storms and droughts, and shortages of food and water. Mr. Obama’s new rules alone will not be enough to stave off that future. But experts say that if the rules are combined with similar action from the world’s other major economies, as well as additional action by the next American president, emissions could level off enough to prevent the worst effects of climate change.

Mr. Obama intends to use the new rules to push other countries to commit to deep reductions in their own carbon emissions before a United Nations summit meeting in Paris in December, when a global accord to fight climate change is expected to be signed.

Mr. Obama’s pledge that the United States would enact the climate change rules was at the heart of a pact that he made last year with President Xi Jinping of China, committing their nations, the world’s two largest carbon polluters, to substantially cut emissions.

“It’s the linchpin of the administration’s domestic effort and international effort on climate change,” said Durwood Zaelke, president of the Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development, a research organization. “It raises the diplomatic stakes in the run-up to Paris. He can take it on the road and use it as leverage with other big economies — China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia.”
While opponents of the rules have estimated that compliance will cost billions of dollars, raise residential electricity rates and slow the American economy, the administration argues that the rules will save the average American family $85 annually in electricity costs and bring additional health benefits by reducing emissions of pollutants that cause asthma and lung disease.

The rules will be announced at a White House ceremony on Monday and signed by Gina McCarthy, the Environmental Protection Agency administrator. While the ceremony is scheduled to take place on the White House’s South Lawn, officials said it might be moved indoors to the East Room after forecasters predicted that the weather would be too hot.

A version of this article appears in print on August 2, 2015, on page A14 of the New York edition with the headline: Obama to Unveil Tougher Climate Plan With His Legacy in Mind.



Matt Ridley's Blog

Iceland's lesson for Europe


Iceland's lesson for Europe

I spent part of last week in Iceland, the antithesis of Greece. It’s been a hard winter and a cold spring up there, but despite the stiff northerly breeze off the Arctic ocean, economically speaking Iceland is basking in real warmth, while Greece shivers in financial winter. Iceland teaches a very acute lesson for Greece, Britain, Europe and the world: independence works.
Iceland and Greece had equally terrible crashes seven years ago, yet Iceland is now growing rapidly, running trade and budget surpluses, with minimal unemployment and strong pension funds. A settlement with the creditors of its three failed banks is imminent, and exchange controls will soon be lifted.

The country’s fundamental advantages (fish, tourism, geothermal energy, and a highly educated workforce) were untouched by the financial crisis. With the help of a sharp 60 per cent devaluation, Iceland set about working its way through austerity to prosperity. It cut public spending, hiked interest rates and at the behest of the International Monetary Fund brought in exchange controls to stem inflation. Helped by the cheap krona, tourist numbers have doubled in five years, and the fishing catch is at a record high with stocks of capelin and cod sustainable.

Yet Swiss and Scottish banks were larger than Iceland’s in relation to their GDP. The world chose to save Swiss and Scottish banks, while Iceland’s were allowed to collapse. That, many Icelanders now think, looks like a blessing in disguise.

Beset by seemingly false rumours of Russian mafia money being laundered through Iceland, and without any strategic interest in helping the country as there would have been during the Cold War, the world left Iceland to its fate.
In September 2008 the United States Federal Reserve refused a currency swap to Iceland (while offering it to the other Nordic countries), which started a bank run. Gordon Brown then made it worse by describing Iceland as virtually bankrupt, refusing liquidity support to its banks’ British branches, and — shockingly — using anti-terrorism legislation to freeze Icelandic bank assets in the UK.

Mr Brown’s government then unilaterally compensated British depositors in Icesave, the overseas branch of Landsbanki, one of Iceland’s biggest banks, and sent the bill to the Icelandic government.
Icelanders refused to pay, twice confirming this in referendums, and two years ago the European Free Trade Area (EFTA) court ruled that Britain’s action was illegal, which put an end to the episode. In practice, the overseas branches of the banks were sound and creditors would have recovered most of their money.

In short, Britain behaved abominably towards Iceland during the crisis; I am amazed they let me into the country last week. The world allowed Iceland to fail because it was small. It has a population the size of Cardiff. But it turns out that there is no safe haven for small countries as part of a larger entity.

Contrast Iceland’s experience with that of small countries that had sought shelter in the embrace of the EU: Greece, Cyprus, Ireland, all still at various stages of denial or debilitation or serfdom. “We are,” says Professor Hannes Gissurarson, who is writing the definitive report on the crisis, “masters of our own fate.”

The big advantage Iceland had over Ireland and Greece was that it could devalue its currency and become competitive. Iceland is also outside the disastrous common fisheries policy of the EU, which means it can run a far more sustainable and economically efficient policy, involving transferable quotas. This means that fishermen have a strong incentive to be good stewards of fish stocks and keep the value of their quotas high, so it works as a conservation tool as well as promoting economic efficiency.

As a member of EFTA and the European Economic Area, Iceland is outside the EU’s external tariff so it can trade freely with the world as well as the EU. Last year it signed a free-trade agreement with China. An MP from the governing party was in London last week to invite Britain to join them in a similar status, and thereby to assume leadership of a trade-only bloc of European nations.

True, an Icelandic firm must apply EU rules if exporting to the EU, but then it has to apply American rules if exporting to America, and neither if not exporting at all. Iceland represents itself on the World Trade Organisation, whereas Britain is represented mainly by the EU trade commissioner, a Swede. The notion that being outside the EU means you don’t get to write the rules of world trade is back to front. The EU is increasingly at the mercy of others’ rules set at the supranational level anyway: regaining our independence would increase our influence there.

Iceland’s entire history confirms the benefits of independence. Having developed self-governance as a commonwealth in 930AD —ie, without a king or a bureaucracy but with the earliest of all parliaments, the Althing – it then succumbed in 1262 to the temptation of seeking “shelter” as part of a larger entity. It negotiated protection from the Norwegian king.
Big mistake. The shelter became a trap as later monarchs – of Denmark by now – imposed agrarian feudalism on the country. Every citizen was forcibly registered to a farm and no foreigner was allowed to overwinter, effectively stifling all attempts to develop trading partnerships, start industry, or even get fishing. Briefly in the 18th century, when a volcanic eruption left the island starving, there was interest in Britain getting Iceland from Denmark in exchange for a small Caribbean island, but we decided against it: probably just as well. Only in the 19th century did Icelanders begin to exploit their rich fish resources and later their cheap energy, quickly becoming one of the world’s richest countries.

Iceland reminds us that size does not matter nearly as much as most politicians pretend. Small countries often thrive. Look at New Zealand, Singapore, Estonia, Kuwait. They can be that much more nimble in their decisions. And if a country of 320,000 people can have the confidence to thrive alone in the North Atlantic, trading with the EU but not enmeshed in it, why on earth cannot the world’s fifth largest economy?

