

The New York Times

Banksy’s ‘Dismaland’ in England: It’s a Strange World, After All


Banksy’s ‘Dismaland’ in England: It’s a Strange World, After All

バンクシーやその他約60人のアーティストによるディズモランドの"Topple the Anvil" ブースにいる役者。
A performer at the “Topple the Anvil” booth at “Dismaland,” a theme park-style exhibition featuring works by Banksy and about 60 other artists at Weston-super-Mare in England. CreditToby Melville/Reuters

ウェストン・スーパー・メア、イギリス 雨が降りしきる日曜の午後、うなだれたビーチリゾートタウンに出来た"ディズモランド"(憂鬱な国)はバンクシーによって作られた陰気なアンチディズニーランドで、今週末にオープンしました。
WESTON-SUPER-MARE, England — Rain pelted down for much of Sunday afternoon on this drooping beachside resort town where “Dismaland,” the gloomy anti-Disneyland created by the artist Banksy, opened this weekend.

Sophie King, 27, who lives in southwest England, and Andrea Griffiths, 28, who lives outside of London, were among the roughly 2,000 visitors inside the mock theme park early Sunday afternoon. The pair, friends from college, had planned to camp this weekend in the area, but when they heard about Banksy’s exhibition — and saw the weather — they nixed their plans, rented a motel room and headed to the exhibition.

“They’re intentionally being so rude,” Ms. Griffiths said of “Dismaland” “staff members,” who greet visitors with an angry pat down. (A guard who patted this reporter down told me to avert my eyes as he did so; another asked me to turn around, then told me to turn around again. “I didn’t ask to see your butt,” she said.) “It is hilarious because I mean, we’re British, we’re so polite,” Ms. Griffiths said.

“They’re really good actors,” Ms. King added. “Or they’re just rude.”

“Dismaland,” a satirical take on a theme park, features grumpy guards, funereal theme park games and art by about 60 artists — including Banksy,Damien Hirst and Jenny Holzer. The exhibition had a “locals” day on Friday and opened to the public on Saturday; it runs through late September.

 この展示は大きくサプライズとして開催されたのですが、先週の頭に英国記者協会の一部がこの放置されたプール施設となったこの展示所を目撃し、何がここで起こっているのかと憶測が立ち始めていました。しかし開催者はなんとか木曜の朝まで展示の秘密を隠し通し、地元紙のThe Weston Worle & Somerset Mercuryが正式にツイッターで公表し、一面記事にして発刊しました。
The exhibition came largely as a surprise: Members of the British news media had spotted construction at the exhibition site — the abandoned grounds of a former family swimming pool — early last week, and had begun to speculate on what was taking place there. But organizers managed for the most part to keep the exhibition a secret until Thursday morning, when a local newspaper, The Weston, Worle & Somerset Mercury, formally announced it on Twitter and ran a front-page article.

A Banksy sculpture at “Dismaland” depicting a woman attacked by seagulls.CreditYui Mok/Press Association, via Associated Press

展示にはバンクシーの新旧の作品が含まれており、移民の人形が船一杯に乗ったイギリス海峡に見立てたプールに漂うラジコンや、大柄なスーツを着た猫がガツガツと食べている向かいで痩せ細った女性と子供が立ち尽くすという彼の壁に描く特徴的なシルエットスタイルの作品などがあります。園内唯一の子供のみを対象とした展示はトランポリンとスタンドがあり、スタンドでは小口のローンが売り出されており、利子は数千パーセントとなっています。この展示は疑いの余地なく政治的切り口がされており、日曜日にアーティストのシャディ・アルザクゾウクはメインの展示場にて「R.I.P. Gaza」(ガザよ安らかに)と殴り書きされたシーツを自身の作品に巻きつけたのです。
The exhibition includes new and old artwork by Banksy, including a pool with mobile boats full of figurine immigrants in what apparently is the English Channel, and a mural-style work in the his signature silhouette style, which shows a fat cat in a suit gorging himself while a gaunt woman with children stands across from him. One installation on the site — billed as only for children — features a trampoline and a stand offering small loans with interest rates of several thousand percent. The exhibition also has an undoubted political edge: On Sunday, the artist Shadi al-Zaqzouqwas in the main space, where he rolled a sheet over his artwork and scrawled “R.I.P. Gaza” in capital letters across it.

Naomi Woodspring, 66, an academic visiting from nearby Bristol, where she lives, contrasted Banksy’s show with an installation based on Thomas More’s “Utopia” that she recently attended in London, saying that she saw in Banksy’s exhibition “a visioning of real change.” She added, “It pushes us to envision a whole other way of being, and to begin to live that way of being.”

Trey Cruz, 40, who lives in Seattle and works in software development, had a more laid-back take on the exhibition. Mr. Cruz took himself on a monthlong tour of Europe to celebrate his birthday this month. He canceled his flight home when he heard about Banksy’s show; checked into a hotel on Saturday; and visited the show Saturday and Sunday. “I just like that I’ve met a ton of people,” he said. “Just kind of randomly ended up, like, walking around with some people for a little while, then went and met other people.”

A performer with balloons. CreditToby Melville/Reuters

Lines into “Dismaland” on Saturday and Sunday started several hours before the park’s 11 a.m. opening, but by early afternoon the line appeared to be only several hundred people long and to be moving quickly.

Shortly after the website for “Dismaland” went up on Thursday, the ticketing function abruptly crashed, prompting online speculation that the ticketing issues were part of Banksy’s doom-and-gloom concept. In an email, Clare Croome, a spokeswoman for Banksy, said there was “no truth” to the Internet rumors, and that the site had crashed after receiving 6 million hits per minute. (Tickets are still available at the entrance, and online ticketing is expected to resume this week.)

The exhibition was out of the ordinary for Banksy, who is mostly known for graffiti works that pop up in unexpected urban locales. His last major display was a series of political murals that he unveiled in Gaza in February. In 2009, he staged an exhibition featuring dozens of his own artworks at the Bristol City Museum. That show was also kept tightly under wraps before it opened, even from many staff members at the museum. In 2013, he had a major outdoor exhibition in New York.

A visitor at a “selfie hole.” 
Yui Mok/Press Association, via Associated Press

Details on how “Dismaland” came together and when it was conceived have been kept secret by Banksy and his team. In an email, Zaria Forman, a New York artist with work in the exhibition, said that Banksy had approached her around eight weeks ago about participating in the show, and that she was given a “general idea” of what the exhibition would include. She said she had been instructed not to answer certain questions about Banksy, and had “no comment” about whether she had met the artist in person. (Another Banksy spokeswoman, Jo Brooks, declined to answer whether the artist had visited the exhibition since it opened.) Banksy did not respond to email questions sent on Friday to his two spokeswomen.

In a wry and somewhat elliptical interview with The Guardian about the exhibition, Banksy called “Dismaland” “a theme park whose big theme is — theme parks should have bigger themes.” He also said, “I asked myself: What do people like most about going to look at art? The coffee. So I made an art show that has a cafe, a cocktail bar, a restaurant and another bar. And some art.”

Outside the exhibition, Alessia Acciari, 26, a visitor, said the weather fit the “Dismaland” mood. Ms. Acciari, a native of Rome who lives and works in Bristol, England, visited the exhibition with Ruben Martinez, 35, a Portuguese pizza chef in London. They came to “Dismaland” together, equipped with a selfie stick and a Go Pro camera.

They arrived later than they expected because no trains were running from the area where they camped on Saturday night. (Workers at First Great Western, the train company that operates in the region, announced a partial strike early Sunday.)

“I think they have been told to behave like this because of the occasion,” Ms. Acciari said jokingly of the train employees, adding, “Wherever there is Weston-super-Mare, there has to be some disappointment around.”

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