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Light Echoes Give Clues to Protoplanetary Disk: 


This illustration shows a star surrounded by a protoplanetary disk. Material from the thick disk flows along the star's magnetic field lines and is deposited onto the star's surface. When material hits the star, it lights up brightly. The star's irregular illumination allows astronomers to measure the gap between the disk and the star by using a technique called "photo-reverberation" or "light echoes."


 First, astronomers look at how much time it takes for light from the star to arrive at Earth. Then, they compare that with the time it takes for light from the star to bounce off the inner edge of the disk and then arrive at Earth. That time difference is used to measure distance, as the speed of light is constant.


Understanding protoplanetary disks can help us understand some of the mysteries about exoplanets, the planets in solar systems outside our own.

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech [Illustration]

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ホーキング博士の新たなプロジェクト (超最新版)

Stephan Hawking 


今日、ニューヨーク市のOne World Observatoryのユーリ・ミルナーと私は一つのミッションを発足しました。私達のこの新しい取り組みに、マーク・ザッカーバーグがStarshotの理事として、彼の力添えももらいました。
Today, at the One World Observatory in New York City, Yuri Milner and I launched a mission to the stars. Mark Zuckerberg lent his support by joining the board of our new initiative, Breakthrough Starshot.

Within the next generation, Breakthrough Starshot aims to develop a ‘nanocraft’ – a gram-scale robotic space probe – and use a light beam to push it to 20 percent of the speed of light. If we are successful, a flyby mission could reach Alpha Centauri about 20 years after launch, and send back images of any planets discovered in the system.

Albert Einstein once imagined riding on a light beam, and his thought experiment led him to the theory of special relativity. A little over a century later, we have the chance to attain a significant fraction of that speed: 100 million miles an hour. Only by going that fast can we reach the stars on the time-scale of a human life.

It is exciting to be involved in such an ambitious project, pushing the boundaries of ingenuity and engineering. - SH


スペースX ファルコン9の驚異的な快挙


April 8, 20166:13 PM ET


 こんにちは。今日もまた宇宙関連の記事です。実は日本に帰国していた間につくばにあるJAXAに遊びに行ってきました。本当に楽しくてたのしくて鮮明に全てのことを覚えています。(でもJAXAリラックマが買えなくて悲しかったです。) その際にJAXA以前のロケット打ち上げ失敗の苦々しいお話しなど当時の関係者の方々から直接お伺いたので、最近のJAXAの人工衛星のひとみ、スペースXの失敗で私まで気をもんでいた次第です。まずはNPRの記事には無いのですが、この驚異的なファルコン9の着水の動画をご覧ください。あまりにもすごすぎて私は何度も観直し、それでも感動してしまうのです。スペースXすごい!!!!!!!!宇宙産業のロマンに浸り、世界中のロケットサイエンティスト達に敬意を払う私です。


SpaceX Rocket Lands Safely On A Ship At Sea For the First Time

The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from launch complex 40 at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Friday.
The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from launch complex 40 at the Kennedy Space Center
 in Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Friday.
John Raoux/AP
Friday was a landmark day for the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. It launched into space a resupply capsule bearing a new inflatable habitat for the International Space Station. Then the rocket's "first stage" returned to Earth for a sea landing — without exploding.
Though the SpaceX rocket had successfully landed on solid ground before, the last attempt to land the rocket on a barge at sea ended in a fiery crash.
"The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifted off, carrying an inflatable space module that will be added to the station. NASA hopes this kind of expandable room in space could someday help astronauts get to Mars," NPR's Geoff Brumfiel reports for our Newscast Unit. "As the rocket's second stage carried this cargo into orbit, the first stage did something unprecedented. It turned around, flew back to Earth and touched down vertically on a robotic barge floating off the coast of Florida."
As NPR's Joe Palca reported earlier this week, the idea for inflatable habitats in space dates back to the 1990s when "the space agency was trying to figure out how to get astronauts to Mars, without the crew going crazy living in a tiny capsule for months on end."
When it's folded up, the expandable room is about 6 feet by 6 feet, Joe says, but when inflated, "it's about 12 feet by 10 feet, approximately the size of a small RV."
The new habitat could mean more comfortable living during a future trip to Mars.
And the successful landing of the SpaceX rocket will mean much more affordable space travel, as SpaceX can reuse the expensive "first stage," Geoff says.


最新のハイテクを駆使して事件解決する現代の探偵 後半

BBC Future
  • By Paul Marks
5 April 2016 http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160404-the-detectives-who-spy-from-space


前半記事 http://honnyakukonnyaku.blogspot.com/2016/04/blog-post.html

Visual time travel

 実際のところ録画機能の付いた衛生は存在しますが、軌道上からの静止画像に比べれば全く解析度は落ちますし、多くをカバーしきれません。Googleが所有するTerra Bella(前Skybox-Imaging)は例として、低空軌道によって撮影ができる艦隊Cubesatsを構築中です。それらは一部に焦点を当て、カメラの範囲外になるまでの90秒のクリップを撮影が可能です。さて、飛行機がドバイのブルジュ・ハリファの上を飛んでいる画像を観てみましょう。

Although video-recording satellites do exist they don’t have the resolution of the best stills cameras in orbit – and can’t yet offer extended coverage. Google-owned Terra Bella – formerly Skybox Imaging – for instance, is building a fleet of imaging Cubesats in low-Earth orbit. These are capable of providing 90-second-long clips of video over a spot on Earth – before it moves out of range. Watch the video of a plane flying over Dubai’s Burj Khalifa building below.


Eventually they want to do this over one spot many times each day as the fleet approaches its target of 24 satellites – but that isn’t necessarily at the precise time somebody might want it.

One of the space detectives’ first paid-for cases involved a Californian who had a neighbor claim that an online mapping service showed a right of way existed right through his property – and the neighbour wanted it formally recognised. “By going back to original space imagery over time we could determine that there had never been a track or road there,” says Purdy. That visual time travel trick was possible because space images have been archived by satellite companies since the 1970s – initially in low resolution but gradually improving until, in 1999, images that could resolve down to less than a metre became available outside the military, and now much sharper 50cm and 30 cm images possible today.

(Credit: Getty Images)
Images from space could help find illegal landfills (Credit: Getty Images)

Image timelines are crucial to all this – and Purdy’s experience as a space lawyer, knowing what makes for admissible evidential imagery, is key. “We have to be able to show a court they can rely on it as evidence,” he says. That involves proving the image has been properly stored and that no alterations has been made to it.

Space images can form part of a complex web of evidence. Boundary disputes are common cases for A&SE and the imagery often helps determine which side was right. But the agency cannot always help: as clouds, shadows, bushes and brambles can get in the way on some crucial historic images showing, for example, where a fence line was a decade ago.

In one case they were asked to look at the illegal dredging of a lake which is a protected European wetland. They were able to source images revealing the number and size of dredging operations, and provide evidence of how much dredged sand was being stored alongside the lake – and even how the volumes had changed dramatically over the years.
(Credit: Getty Images)
While a satellite might not catch a ship crashing into a wind turbine, it could identify which was in the area at the time (Credit: Getty Images)

A&SE also use radar-armed satellites in their work. As these bounce microwave radar signals off an area, instead of acquiring reflected sunlight, they can be used for very different tasks, such as where stolen industrial machinery might have been moved to. “But they are also great for quickly telling if a house or building has been extended. The different shape registers straight away on radar,” says Purdy.

GPS satellites help in detection, too – thanks to the tracking services they have made possible like their identification system for ships. The agency was asked if it could spot from space which ship had collided with an offshore wind turbine. While it’s almost impossible to see the moment of impact Purdy says such tracking can help identify which ships were in an area at the time. Forensic evidence – scraped-off hull paint, for instance – from the accident site could then help identify the collider.
Landfill locating
Another strong vein of the space detectives’ work is unfolding: solving environmental crime. In a case in the Republic of Ireland, for instance, the cutting down of an ancient woodland posed questions – was it done so long ago that no-one could befor it, or more recently? A&SE’s space imagery timelines were able to show definitively that it had disappeared in a period of a few weeks in 2014.

Illicit landfills have become a growing problem, and space images are expected to be a major source of future evidence against offenders. One recent example was an illegal landfill in Northern Ireland holding some 1.5 million tonnes of rubbish, much of it construction waste. “That could potentially cost hundreds of millions of pounds in lost landfill taxes and clean-up fees,” says Purdy. So, with Interpol and Europol backing, A&SE has been seeking research funding to develop ways to use space images to spot illicit landfills as they are being created. “We want to catch them in the act,” says Purdy.

Another project they are looking for funding for is to spot disturbed earth from orbit, which could help police forces find buried human remains. The big problem is producing data that is of high enough resolution to be useful to investigators.
(Credit: Getty Images)
The same satellites providing GPS navigation could also help future detectives in their work (Credit: Getty Images)
It's clear that the possibilities of this type of detective work will mushroom as satellite image resolution improves and video imaging options arrive. And as more imaging satellites are launched, especially by emerging space powers such as China and India, and with constellations of low-cost imaging cubesats from the likes of Terra Bella and PlanetLabs joining those of established imaging firms like Digital Globe and Airbus-owned Spot Satellite Imagery, space-based crime detection will become more and more capable. As an example, PlanetLabs promises a 50-gigapixel snapshot of the whole planet, every day, once it has 100 cubesats in orbit.

But the increasing numbers of Earth imaging satellites could have “profound implications” for privacy in the future says Richard Tynan, technologist at London pressure group Privacy International. “Satellites can focus their capabilities across borders and examine the pattern of life of societies on a large scale or be used to track individuals,” he says – suggesting the industry needs privacy-sensitive regulation.

He’s not alone in that view. “With commercial satellite resolution comfortably down to 30cm, it is now verging on the realm of surveillance and military imaging. So we are hearing more concerns voiced around data protection and human rights related to such imaging,” says Joanne Wheeler, a London-based space lawyer and a UK representative at the UN’s Office of Outer Space Affairs in Vienna.

In particular, she says, the point at which a space image breaches personal data protection law may still need defining. The European Commission has been developing data protection policies for Earth observation – with one measure having anything photographed under 2.5 metre resolution needing careful checks before it can be released. But for the moment, says Wheeler, the EC’s plan has been refused as an “anti-competitive” hindrance to the operators in this new market.

So if, as Raymond Chandler wrote in The Big Sleep, you live in a “nice neighbourhood to have bad habits in”, take care – you never know what’s going to be orbiting overhead. Or how powerful its cameras are.


最新のハイテクを駆使して事件解決する現代の探偵 前半

BBC Future
  • By Paul Marks
5 April 2016 http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160404-the-detectives-who-spy-from-space


Modern detectives use a variety of new technologies to help them solve cases. Paul Marks meets the agency harnessing a new tool – satellites.
Fans of crime writer Raymond Chandler’s wise-cracking prose would no doubt be pleased that there’s a real-life private detective agency run by two men called Raymond. But Ray Harris and Ray Purdy are not planning to tail unfaithful spouses to seedy motels like Chandler’s pulp detective Philip Marlowe. Rather, the two Rays are cosmic private eyes, running the world’s first outer space detective agency – and they don’t care who knows it.
The pair’s aim is to use satellite photography to help clients argue cases in court – anything from property border disputes, to establishing rights of way, spotting stolen vehicles and illegal landfills – or proving serious environmental harm to vital wetlands and ancient woodlands.
 宇宙法弁護士であるパーディと、地理空間画像とデータベースを駆使する地理学者のハリスが2014年の10月に宇宙探偵事務所であるAir&Space Evidenceを設立します。ロンドン大学では二人とも大歓迎されましたが、パーディーは現在オックスフォード大学で働いています。
Purdy, a space lawyer, and Harris, a geographer schooled in the use of geospatial imagery and databases, set up their space detective agency, Air & Space Evidence, in October 2014. Both hail from University College London, but Purdy is now working at Oxford University.

 Their familiarity with imaging satellites, and how the law applies, gives them a distinct advantage. And the technology can be extremely useful. “With resolution as high as 30 centimetres you can see a mailbox or a manhole cover from space now,” says Purdy.

Their arrival on the detective scene certainly stirred public imaginations. While the pair expected some attention when they announced their venture, they were surprised by the response as the media clicked they were planning to offer something new. “The reaction was completely unexpected. It was phone call after phone call for about two months. We had virtually every single British newspaper ring up, plus magazines and TV production companies wanting to make fly-on-the-wall documentaries. We’re still getting the TV calls now,” Purdy says.

 しかし、多くは間違った杖の先をしっかりとつかんでいました。ありがたくも、Homeland and Spooksの様なテレビドラマのおかげで、多くの人たちはとんでもない高解析度で宇宙から地球の地表はしょっちゅうビデオで録画されると信じていました。彼らの多くの初期の探偵業は、まず今日の宇宙からの画像がどれだけのものかということを正さなくてはならなかったのです。
Many had, however, firmly grasped the wrong end of the stick. Thanks to TV dramas like Homeland and Spooks, many believed the planet’s surface is being constantly video recorded from space – and at extremely high resolution to boot. A lot of the detectives’ early work has involved putting would-be clients straight over the real capabilities of today’s space imaging systems.

For instance a woman who was being stalked asked the agency to try to identify the suspect from space – sadly, not possible. Another potential customer wanted to see who had hammered nails into her car tyres. Other clients have wanted them to identify vehicles used in a burglary and a bank robbery – including the expectation of seeing licence plates from orbit. “A lot of people assumed there would be video satellites, not just snapshots,” says Purdy. “I can’t blame people. It’s quite exciting and the technology is moving fast. But not as fast as some might think.”