
最新のハイテクを駆使して事件解決する現代の探偵 前半

BBC Future
  • By Paul Marks
5 April 2016 http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160404-the-detectives-who-spy-from-space


Modern detectives use a variety of new technologies to help them solve cases. Paul Marks meets the agency harnessing a new tool – satellites.
Fans of crime writer Raymond Chandler’s wise-cracking prose would no doubt be pleased that there’s a real-life private detective agency run by two men called Raymond. But Ray Harris and Ray Purdy are not planning to tail unfaithful spouses to seedy motels like Chandler’s pulp detective Philip Marlowe. Rather, the two Rays are cosmic private eyes, running the world’s first outer space detective agency – and they don’t care who knows it.
The pair’s aim is to use satellite photography to help clients argue cases in court – anything from property border disputes, to establishing rights of way, spotting stolen vehicles and illegal landfills – or proving serious environmental harm to vital wetlands and ancient woodlands.
 宇宙法弁護士であるパーディと、地理空間画像とデータベースを駆使する地理学者のハリスが2014年の10月に宇宙探偵事務所であるAir&Space Evidenceを設立します。ロンドン大学では二人とも大歓迎されましたが、パーディーは現在オックスフォード大学で働いています。
Purdy, a space lawyer, and Harris, a geographer schooled in the use of geospatial imagery and databases, set up their space detective agency, Air & Space Evidence, in October 2014. Both hail from University College London, but Purdy is now working at Oxford University.

 Their familiarity with imaging satellites, and how the law applies, gives them a distinct advantage. And the technology can be extremely useful. “With resolution as high as 30 centimetres you can see a mailbox or a manhole cover from space now,” says Purdy.

Their arrival on the detective scene certainly stirred public imaginations. While the pair expected some attention when they announced their venture, they were surprised by the response as the media clicked they were planning to offer something new. “The reaction was completely unexpected. It was phone call after phone call for about two months. We had virtually every single British newspaper ring up, plus magazines and TV production companies wanting to make fly-on-the-wall documentaries. We’re still getting the TV calls now,” Purdy says.

 しかし、多くは間違った杖の先をしっかりとつかんでいました。ありがたくも、Homeland and Spooksの様なテレビドラマのおかげで、多くの人たちはとんでもない高解析度で宇宙から地球の地表はしょっちゅうビデオで録画されると信じていました。彼らの多くの初期の探偵業は、まず今日の宇宙からの画像がどれだけのものかということを正さなくてはならなかったのです。
Many had, however, firmly grasped the wrong end of the stick. Thanks to TV dramas like Homeland and Spooks, many believed the planet’s surface is being constantly video recorded from space – and at extremely high resolution to boot. A lot of the detectives’ early work has involved putting would-be clients straight over the real capabilities of today’s space imaging systems.

For instance a woman who was being stalked asked the agency to try to identify the suspect from space – sadly, not possible. Another potential customer wanted to see who had hammered nails into her car tyres. Other clients have wanted them to identify vehicles used in a burglary and a bank robbery – including the expectation of seeing licence plates from orbit. “A lot of people assumed there would be video satellites, not just snapshots,” says Purdy. “I can’t blame people. It’s quite exciting and the technology is moving fast. But not as fast as some might think.”

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